Please join us for the graduation of the participants of our first Core Organizer Training on Thursday, November 3rd from 6-8 p.m. at our office, 1000 S. Cooper. Bring a side dish or dessert to share and help us celebrate this group of new grassroots community organizers!
Our graduates have completed the 8 week Core Organizer Training, where they’ve learned and experienced the foundational skills of being a grassroots organizer. Graduates had the direct, hands-on experience to facilitate meetings, practice talking to the media, strategize the steps of a campaign, and design and implement a direct action.
They learned additional skills in organizing diverse communities, campaign planning, transforming conflict, and they also learned important insights of themselves as organizers.
Come out this Thursday to learn more about the Core Organizer Training and to celebrate our most recent graduates’ accomplishments!
Also, put January 20-22, 2012 on your calendars now. This will be our first weekend-long intensive Core Organizer Training. This training will consist of the same 16 hours of skill building, but instead of meeting over 8 weeks, participants will be able to complete the training in one weekend. For more information and to register, emailĀ