Archives for January 2012
People First – Jan. 21 – Binghampton Neighborhood Assistance Fair
People First is a Mid-South Peace and Justice Center supported partnership with residents and activists working in the Binghampton community to raise voter turn out during elections and assist in long term resident-driven grassroots community organizing after the elections end.
For the past four months our team of activists and Binghampton residents have been canvassing door to door, talking with …residents and neighbors about the issues that they care about. Moving forward People First seeks to engage and organize residents from all races and religions across the Binghampton community to collectively address the needs of the neighborhood as well as ensure all redevelopment efforts in the area have real front end resident and community input. We have already hosted a candidate forum, a neighborhood BBQ and have just finished our second monthly meeting with area residents, talking about issues of the community and planning long term organizing for positive action…’s not all about meetings…it’s about building community.
Upcoming Events
People First-Binghampton Earned Benefits and Tenncare application assistance and screenings.
Earned benefits is a program in partnership with Seedco is a system of facilitated enrollment services used to screen and connect low wage workers to a range of income services such as Tax credits, food stamps,health insurance and bank accounts.
Join us on Saturday, January 21st from 2pm-5pm as we partner with service providers to offer a one day service providing screening and application assistance for qualified applicants seeking EBT and Tenncare among other services.
Date- Jan 21st
Location-Caritas Village-2509 Harvard,Memphis Tn 38112
Please refer any questions to Brad Watkins, Organizing Director of the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center at 901-725-4990 or by email at
Volunteers Needed for Homeless Point In Time Count :: Memphis Survival Guides are IN!
All volunteers will need to attend a training to reinforce what is expected of volunteers, go over resources available, to provide an opportunity to sign up for specific shifts/geographic locations, and to receive suggestions or answer any questions you may have. You should attend one of the training sessions that are offered Wednesday January 18th at 11 a.m. at MIFA Les Passes Center (715 St. Paul) or Friday January 20th 3 p.m. same location.
In other news
The Mid-South Peace and Justice Center is thrilled to announce the completion of the 2011 Memphis Survival Guide (MSG.) MSG is a an updated version of our handheld user-friendly directory of all homeless service providers, runaway services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, shelter and meal services offered in the City of Memphis.
In the coming weeks, we will be working to distribute 5000 copies of this guide to various service providers, church congregations, neighborhood and community organizations and directly to those directly homeless themselves in the coming weeks.
This includes organizations and local government agencies who’s work also interacts with those who are unsheltered. This includes the Shelby County Public Defender’s office, Shelby County Division of Corrections, General Sessions Pre-Trial Services, Memphis Emergency Medical Services, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, and the American Red Cross.
Special thanks to Mairi Albertson with Memphis Housing and Community Development, and Nancy Bailey of the University of Memphis Tiger graphics. Peace and Justice Center Staff and interns, Gio Lopez and Jeremy Herman. Thank you all very much for your hard work.
If you or your organization would like copies of the Memphis Survival Guide, please contact Brad Watkins, Organizing Director of the Mid South Peace and Justice Center at
A Few Spots Still Open:: Community Organizer Training Jan. 20-22
The Mid South Peace and Justice Center’s G.O.T. Power program is offering our first weekend-long flagship grassroots community organizer training, the Core Organizer Training, on January 20-22nd at Caritas Village.
You’ll receive the same 14 hours of training in the foundational skills of organizing as in our 8 week series, but with the added benefits of taking the training over an intensive weekend. Join us and learn the skills you need to make your work in the community more effective. Topics covered include: campaign planning, working with diverse communities, media, facilitation, conflict transformation, and nonviolent direct action.
You can read more about the training and register here.
Military Recruiter Information Sharing Opt-Out Form
Most parents are unaware that unless they opt-out of it, their high school age child’s personal information will be shared with military recruiters. This little known requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act can violate the privacy of your child without your knowing.
At the beginning of the school year, high schools are required by law to distribute information and forms on how you can opt-out of having your personal info given to the military. But in the rush of the start of school this may not happen correctly, or it may be missed in the pile of paperwork given to parents.
Download this form and return to your school or district administrator to ensure that you or your child are protected.