Archives for April 2012
Homeless Organizing for Power and Equality: May 1st Day of Action and Worker’s Co’op!
For the past 5 months organizers with the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center have been working with the real experts on the issue of homelessness, those persons who have directly lived and experienced it for themselves.
Homeless Organizing for Power and Equality (H.O.P.E.) is the name of a Mid-South Peace and Justice Center sponsored organization who’s members are exclusively people who are currently or have formerly experienced homelessness. Members of this organization will receive training and support as they direct and lead street campaigns around the host of issues,challenges and injustices suffered by our brothers and sisters who live on the streets of our community. These campaigns are all centered around H.O.P.E.‘s four principle values of DIGNITY, SELF DETERMINATION, SOLIDARITY and MUTUAL EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Currently H.O.P.E. has weekly membership meetings on Thursday nights at the MANNA HOUSE, with an open discussion group meeting on Thursday mornings.
Currently the group is in the planning stages of joining the MAY 1st DAY OF ACTION in conjunction with various labor, immigrant rights and social justice organization. Each of the groups involved are working towards May 1st actions around various issues of injustice with H.O.P.E. leading the charge on SB2508. This grossly unconstitutional law was recently passed by the Tennessee Legislature and shamefully signed into law by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. SB2508 makes it a Class A Misdemeanor to sleep on public property owned by the state. This new law will effectively make homelessness a crime with a penalty of a jail sentence up to 11 months and 29 days and/or a $2500 fine. The members of H.O.P.E. see this for what it is a further continuation of the criminalization of poverty in our state and our community.
The group is currently in the planning stages of a protest centering on SB2508 and the rampant civil rights and police harassment violations within our local criminal justice system at 201 POPLAR. At this event on MAY 1st. members of H.O.P.E will stage host a press conference about the inhumanity of SB2508 and representative of the group will present a official letter and list of grievances to Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich and Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong. H.O.P.E. asserts that District Attorney Amy Weirich and MPD Director Armstrong should come forward and publicly state that neither the DA nor MPD will make arrest or prosecute offenders under this unconstitutional law.
If you or your congregation or organization would like to help H.O.P.E.’s day of action please contact Organizing Director Brad Watkins at 901-725-4990 or by email at
H.O.P.E. is also pursuing the creation of a Worker’s Co’op to facilitate a part time income sources for it’s members. One such venture would involve the creation of a member owned and operated organic cleaning and janitorial service for area churches, businesses and union halls. The other venture, led by H.O.P.E. organizer Paul Garner would involve members of H.O.P.E. being trained in silk screen printing for the creation of t-shirts for organizations, church youth organizations, political campaigns and grassroots organizing groups.
Both of these services will be fully owned and operated by the members themselves.
If you have a background in business or are a business student who is interested in aiding our members in how to write a business plan,bylaws and the basics of operating a business please contact Organizing Director Brad Watkins at 901-725-4990 or by email at
H.O.P.E. Wins Big with May 1st Day of Action
Homeless Organizing for Power and Equality (H.O.P.E.) is the name of a Mid-South Peace and Justice Center sponsored organization who’s members are exclusively people who are currently or have formerly experienced homelessness. Over the past few months our members have been hard at work not only planning, mobilizing and organizing a movement for justice on our streets but also building community through mutual emotional support within the group itself.
- H.O.P.E. lead the charge on SB2508. This grossly unconstitutional law was recently passed by the Tennessee Legislature and shamefully signed into law by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. SB2508 makes it a Class A Misdemeanor to sleep on public property owned by the state. This new law will make homelessness a crime with a penalty of a jail sentence up to 11 months and 29 days and/or a $2500 fine. We see this illegal and mean spirited law as a further attempt to criminalize poverty and homelessness. On May 1st we held a protest and press conference to speak out against this law and met with District Attorney General Amy Weirich to discuss our concerns. The DA released the following statement:This office is tasked with enforcing the laws that the General Assembly enacts. We do not pick and choose which laws we enforce,” Weirich said in a statement. “We do, however, have the discretion to review cases and decide the proper resolution based on the facts, circumstances, and the reasonable probability of conviction. This new law will not change how we prosecute cases in Shelby County. Nor will it change the way we work with outside agencies to do what we can to prevent issues that lead to crime.
The DA also reaffirmed their support for alternatives to incarceration such as the Shelby County Drug Court and programs such as the Jericho Initiative and the newly proposed Shelby County Veterans Court. These nationally recognized programs divert vulnerable people out of the criminal justice system to individualized treatment programs for mental illness and substance abuse rehabilitation. - H.O.P.E. also met with Deputy Chief Berryhill from the Memphis Police department about issues of harassment and misconduct of individual officers in interactions with people experiencing homelessness. H.O.P.E. is pleased to announce that MPD has appointed Officer Larry Howard from the crime prevention unit to be the official liaison with H.O.P.E. to not only address complaints of harassment but to also to aid H.O.P.E. in dealing with hate crimes and the economic and sexual exploitation of those experiencing homelessness. We wish to thank Director Toney Armstrong, Deputy Chief Berryhill and Officer Howard. H.O.P.E. looks forward to a positive future relationship with MPD based on trust and mutual respect.
- H.O.P.E. is working with MPD to implement new homeless sensitivity training for patrol officers based on the training materials created by the Nashville Homeless Power Project in cooperation with the Nashville Metro Police.
- H.O.P.E. stands in full support of Judge Bill Anderson’s proposal for the creation of a Veterans Court within General Sessions Court. This Court will help veterans who suffer from the trauma or war to be diverted out of the Criminal justice system and into programs suited to address their needs with dignity. 20%-30% of those experiencing homelessness are veterans as such this is a core issue of concern to H.O.P.E. We urge everyone to contact their Shelby County Commissioners immediately and voice your support for funding to support the creation of the Veterans Court.
APRIL ACTION ALERTS: Memphis Bus Riders Union, Equality Day, The War on Women
Memphis Bus Riders Union Issues Warning To Community About “Scam Artists”
The Memphis Bus Rider Union (MBRU) is a grassroots effort to advocate and organize for badly needed reforms of our public transit system in the Memphis area. This week it has come to our attention that there have been reports of individuals who are using the name of the MBRU to solicit donations at bus stops and at terminals.
This is untrue and those who are soliciting donations are not in anyway connected with the Memphis Bus Rider Union. The MBRU at this time has not and currently is not asking for financial donations and urges the public and the media to spread the word not give money to these individuals as they are performing a scam. The MBRU will continue to outreach efforts at bus stops and at terminals but only for the purpose of distributing flyers and surveys.
“It is deeply troubling and sad that anytime the community comes together on a issue for positive change that there will always be opportunists and users. The MBRU will not allow the actions of unethical people to distract this organization from it’s goals and work, which is ensuring that transit dependent riders needs and desires are the first and foremost priorities of MATA,” says MBRU member and MATA customer Brad Watkins.
The next meeting of the Memphis Bus Riders Union will be held Saturday, April 14th at the Memphis Center for Independent Living- 1633 Madison ave, from 12 noon until 2pm.
For more information please contact the Memphis BusRiders Union at our website at by email at or by phone at 901-205-9737
Worldwide LGBT Civil Rights March, Millington, TN. Saturday April 21st
**Please bring FOOD DONATION from list to go to the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center for homeless kids. (Chef Boyardee type cans, fruit cups, canned tuna, and peanut butter)
2:00pm-5:00pm Equality Celebration (information tables, voter registration booth, bounce house, face painting, crafts, raffle, food/drinks for sale, music)PROUD SUPPORTERS: Mid-South Peace & Justice Center, Tennessee Equality Project, Mid-South Pride, Holy Trinity of Memphis, Memphis Gay & Lesbian Comunity Center, Memphis Loves Gays, The Richard G. Farmer & Allen O. Battle Crisis Center, Memphis Center of Reproductive Health, Honor & Pride, Neshoba Church (UU), and Brian J. Stevens.
The Millington location was the 20th location registered of 30 locations around the world that are taking part in this movement, all on April 21st. Places around the US like Washington DC, Atlanta, and Oklahoma City and places around the world like Tanzania, Isabela Phillipines, and Kampala City Uganda. All around the world, we will be marching to demand civil and human equal rights for the LGBTQIA community. From bullying in schools to persecution by ones own government, the whole community suffers the effects of being treated as a second class citizen.
Mr. Jonathan Cole from Tennessee Equality Project will be our opening speaker to lead off the march at 1200am. We are very excited to have him and TEP as a supporter, as they work tirelessly to stay abreast of current events in legislature and to keep pressure on the lawmakers to demand equality for all, not just the LGBT community.
Joe Knudson, an author and activist from Oklahoma City, was the inspired soul that brought started this worldwide movement, “Let’s Reach One Million People”, to create solidarity among the community and it’s allies.
Jami J. Bevers
EVENT WEBSITE: http://www.
EMAIL: LGBTCivilRightsMarch@hotmail.
Unite Against the War on Women Rally
What: Unite Against the War on Women Rally
Where: Tennessee State Capitol Building – Nashville, TN
- Women across the United States will march in all 50 state capitols in support of women’s rights and equality.
- Buses are being arranged from Memphis.
- TN Facebook
groups/WeAreWomenMarchTN/ - National Website
“Help defend women’s rights and pursuit of equality. Join Americans all across the United States on April 28th, 2012, as we come together as one to tell members of Congress in Washington DC and legislators in all 50 states, “Enough is enough!” Unite Women strongly supports diversity and welcomes women and men of all ages without regard to their race, color, creed, political affiliation, disability, religious or spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, education or income level, marital status, employment status or immigrant status. Everyone is invited to join, plan, and rally as we unite to demand that every person be granted equal opportunities, equal rights, and equal representation. This is what grassroots democracy looks like!”
Meet Our New Organizer: Melissa Miller-Monie
Melissa is a native Memphian who is a product of Memphis City Schools and attended Treadwell High located in the Highland Heights area. Melissa attended college at State Technical Institute and Christian Brothers University studying paralegal through the National Academy of Paralegal studies. Melissa’s work skills were in Legal and Executive Administration until June 4, 1994. Her life changed and has lead her to work strongly in the community with grassroots organizations which also inspired her to start her own non profit outreach organization known as S.O.L.I.D.s Inc. (Scope Of Life Illuminates Destiny), a ministry working with the people, for the people of our communities.
“I grew up in the Highland Heights community and find it appalling to see the decline of the community from drugs, vacant houses, lack of businesses and absence of leaders. In the zip code of 38112 /38122 the citizens have many concerns about the crime and the lack of trust with law enforcement in the area.
I am excited to join Mid-South Peace and Justice as the organizer for Community Police Reconciliation. The Community Police Reconciliation project will allow for a real dialogue to honestly confront and address our problems and build the trust necessary to find community driven solutions to heal the breech between law enforcement and Latino, African-American, youth,and gay and lesbian community members. We move forward in an effort to bring citizens and law enforcement to together to begin the healing process to produce a better relationship between our Law Enforcement and our Community for a Safer Memphis and Shelby County.”
To find out more information please feel free to contact me at or 901-725-4990.