A proposal coming before the Shelby County Board of Commissioners could muffle opposition to controversial land developments. Child impact statements currently provide a comprehensive means to communicate—to the county commission and city council—the concerns of children, families, and entire neighborhoods over new land developments that could affect their health, safety, education, and physical environment. Right now, the county commission and city council cannot consider any proposed resolution or ordinance involving safety, health, education, or land use without first receiving a child impact statement. The land use requirement could be lost if a proposed change to the Commission’s rules of order is passed.
Keep our kids safe from land use decisions that allow industrial and other unwanted developments to locate next door to homes and schools—blighting our neighborhoods and endangering our children’s health and safety. Please sign our petition at:
Commissioner Mike Ritz will propose to do away with considerations for children and families in land use decisions on Wednesday, May 16th during the commission’s public committee meeting. We are asking that all concerned contact their county commissioners and Commissioner Ritz to voice opposition to any resolution that would weaken the use of child impact statements. We also urge all to attend the county commission meeting on May 16th. Time and room location to follow.
To locate contact information for your county commissioner, go to http://www.shelbycountytn.gov/index.aspx?NID=1209 or http://shelbyvote.com/index.aspx?NID=122
For more information contact Mike Schmidt at 901-568-8273 or mschmidt@memphis.edu.