G.O.T. Power, MSPJC’s training program, is looking forward to a dynamic and engaging year in 2013. G.O.T. Power is committed to building our community’s capacity through building skills in grassroots organizing, providing support to people doing community work and providing crucial anti-oppression and liberation education.
We will offer two Core Organizer Trainings, one in the spring, March 1-3, and one in the fall in English, and one in Spanish in the summer. We’re also excited to start offering Nonviolent Communication workshops by an associate trainer trained by Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolence Communication Network. The first workshop will be February 23rd from 9-12. We will continue to offer anti-oppression and liberation workshops by associate trainer Laura Sullivan, such as Emotional Support for Activists, Empowerment for Women and Ending Racism. We’re also looking forward to building capacity through training support to existing organizations and projects such as H.O.P.E. and Community-Police Relations, as well as other organizations around the region. We’ll also continue to provide curriculum development and facilitation to the Movement Building Trainings across Tennessee.
MSPJC’s training team also has some exciting internal plans such as developing and implementing an outreach plan so that businesses, organizations, groups and individuals in the region know about the trainings we offer. We will also continue to deepen our own training skill sets through self-education and hopefully by attending a national training of trainers offered by Training for Change. We will also add more diversity to our training team and associates in 2013. We are also taking the lead on MSPJC staff engaging in internal political and anti-oppression education at staff meetings.
How can G.O.T. Power serve you or your group in 2013? Do you have a group who could benefit from a personalized Core Organizer Training? Is there a specific skill you’re wanting todeepen, such as relating with and creating your own media? Are you a part of an organization that’s ready to look at oppressions such as racism or sexism? Are you ready to improve all of your relationships through clearer communication via Nonviolent Communication? Contact gio@midsouthpeace.org to learn more and to get signed up!