A grassroots gala and banquet benefiting the Mid-South Peace & Justice Center.
An evening of local music, local food, and local people building local movements.
Featuring former MSPJC Executive Director Hubert Van Tol & an engaging program featuring the best of local food, music, arts and movement.
Saturday :: January 18, 2014
First Congregational Church (map)
Reserve your tickets NOW
Pathstone Enterprise Center in Rochester, NY.
6:00pm – Seated Banquet :: $30/ticket
$225/table of eight
Banquet tickets include reception and full meal with Cash Bar.
7:00pm – General Admission :: $10/ticket
suggested donation with no one turned away
*all tickets include full program*
Free childcare available, must register when you purchase tickets or by calling 901.725.4990
Be sure to stay tuned to www.midsouthpeace.org as we continue to release details of the program and other entertainment for the big event!
You can also support the important work of the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center by becoming a member. We are a member-led, community-run organization. Please take a moment to help us build a movement for positive change in our community. Become a Member today!