Freedom Tour: Standing Together for Higher Wages and Justice for All is coming to Memphis!
WHEN: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2015 at 6:00pm
WHERE: UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS, University Center Ballroom
As you are aware, Americans across the country who are building the Black Lives Matter movement are starting a new chapter in our country’s long struggle for civil rights. Simultaneously, underpaid workers who work in fast food stores and other service sector jobs are building the Fight for $15 movement to stand for better pay and a voice for a better life for Americans who cook, clean, care, and serve for a living.
Our movements have many connections. Together, we are fighting for a society, economy and justice system that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and the privileged. Show Me 15, along with members of the Freedom Fighters, a group at the heart of the Black Lives Matter movement, have organized a tour of college campuses and will be hosting panel discussions. THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS IS ONE OF THEIR STOPS! Please join us in creating history and fighting for justice for all.