We have been advocating for the option to transfer the housing subsidy for quite some time now. We had been told that such an action was impossible, but we pressed on because we knew that HUD had the power to revoke funding from Global Ministries Foundation.
Today, in an interview with the Commercial Appeal, our Executive Director praised HUD’s decision.
Brad Watkins, executive director Mid-South Peace and Justice Center, said he was “ecstatic” about the decision. Watkins’ organization has been advocating for tenants at Warren and Tulane, but also had advocated to keep federally subsidized low-income housing.
“We were concerned about being able to keep the same level of affordable housing (in Memphis),” he said. “It’s great news for all of us.”
HUD’s decision to allow the funds to remain in Memphis will secure our current rate of supportive housing and avoids the re-concentration of poverty.
Now, it is incumbent on our entire community to ensure that the residents who will be relocated are provided the help and support they need.
As always, we will be there.