Thanks to everyone who came out in support of our #BudgetForBuses rally! With the ATU Local 713, we’ve been fighting for the city to prioritize replacing older buses over trolleys, and Mayor Strickland’s 2016-2017 budget is a good start: MATA will receive $5 million in capital funding to purchase new buses. However, MATA will also receive only $2.5 million in operations, which falls short of what we need. In February, MATA CEO Ron Garrison asked the city for $8 million in operations, and said that MATA is “on the verge of collapse.”
MBRU Co-chairs Cynthia Bailey and Sammie Hunter spoke to WREG and WMC Action News 5 about the new budget:
“I think it’s a start. We’re OK with it, but we’re not really satisfied. We need another $8 to 9 million.” -Cynthia
“We’ll fight to get the money for the system.” -Sammie
Garrison spoke with MBRU members and promised that there will be no service cuts. But our work isn’t done: MBRU will work with the city and MATA to find new ways to increase MATA’s operating dollars. Our victory on the 19th is just the beginning!
There will be a public budget hearing for MATA tomorrow, 5PM on the 5th floor of City Hall. Come out and show your city leaders that increased MATA funding is still a top priority! We’ll keep you posted as budget deliberations continue.