Join us on Thursday, May 11th, as we CONTINUE to watch the watchers!
Activists and community members fought long and hard to re-establish Memphis’ Civilian Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB), to review cases deemed unsustained or unfounded by MPD’s Internal Affair. So far this year, FOUR cases have been sustained by CLERB in favor of civilian complaintants.
By ordinance, the police director has 10 days to respond publicly to these recomendations and explain what he will or will not do in response. Instead the Director waited until last Friday (14 business days later) to send his reponse, and it wasn’t encouraging.
Aside from some glaring factual errors contained within the letters, Director Rallings made it clear that he has no intention of taking CLERB’s recommendations into consideration, a slap in the face to complainants who have waited years for some semblance of justice.
We have heard the Director give frequent lip service to accountability and transparency, but his actions to the contrary speak much louder. This sends a message to the public and to police officers that this department has no interest in reform and that they will go above and beyond to protect dirty cops from oversight and accountability.
Last month, CLERB began hearing the case of Mr. Marcus Walker from 2011, when police beat and pepper sprayed him after a faulty LPR scanner flagged his car for “possible suspended license” This month CLERB will continue to hear this case.
Complainants like Mr. Walker have had to relive the traumatic experiences in the public eye, and have their character questioned as if they are the accused. They didn’t ask for that, they only asked for justice. Now, there’s not much assurance that Director Rallings will take any recommendations for reform or accountability under serious consideration. Please join us tomorrow, and help provide moral support to complainants like Mr. Walker.
Join us! Thursday, May 11th, City Hall (125 N Main, 5th Floor)
4-6PM (Public Meeting, so come and go as you please)
#PoliceAccountability #WatchTh
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