The Juvenile Justice Project has an exciting summer ahead of us! We have a bunch of Know Your Rights Theatre workshops, service projects, and work with the youth in Jail East coming down the pipeline! But this work does not fund itself, we need your support to keep the momentum going! This summer, we will be running over 100 Know Your Rights Theatre workshops. We will be at the Boys & Girls Club of Hickory Hill, Girls Inc, and almost every community center in the city. Each of these sites serves over 100 kids from elementary through middle school that will be learning how to more safely navigate experiences with law enforcement. We use improv theatre to help them act out realistic scenarios with police, tell them how to safely exercise their rights (which we tie back to the constitution and case law), as well as teaching them deescalation techniques. We believe that when we approach law enforcement from a place of knowledge, instead of what we learned on Law & Order and Hollywood movies, that everyone is safer. We are also kicking off the JJP Days of Service, this Saturday (06/02), at Liberty’s Mass Baptist Church with one of our service partners, Operation He’s My Brother. Our goal is to create at least three 3 hour service opportunities a month for young people in 38125, 38141, 38115, and 38133 who have community service hours. By creating more opportunities at easily accessible locations we hope to break down barriers to compliance with juvenile court. Finally, this summer the Juvenile Justice Project and G.O.T. Power are teaming up for a series of workshops with the young men being held at Jail East. When teens are tried as adults they are kept at Jail East, an adult facility. This can be scary and they are often dealing with trauma and hopelessness. We will be doing a series of workshops, focusing on self care, processing trauma, and accessing one’s inner power, and more! We are so thrilled at the opportunity to do this work. We have a busy summer ahead of us. We need food and beverage donations for our JJP Days of service (mostly snacks) and your financial support. Donate today at In Solidarity, The Mid-South Peace and Justice Center |
Archives for May 2018
This Is Why We’re Hot: HOPE Launches Summer Outreach!
It’s almost summer in Memphis and that means that the temperatures are rising and there will be a lot of thirsty folks experiencing homelessness who will be vulnerable to the elements. H.O.P.E is coming to the rescue by sending out our Outreach team, bringing cold bottled water and snacks to our people, as well as hygiene kits. We want our people to know that H.O.P.E. is aware of the disgraceful lack of resources in Memphis, and we’re trying to help fill the gap. We also know that summer is difficult time for the children of these families as they may not have enough to eat. That is why we would like to make a snack bag for the school age children as well as information about free things to do with kids this summer.
We want to kick off this campaign by June and are calling it “HOPE: Summer Survival.” H.O.P.E will be collecting supplies all month long and continuing until August. This is where you come in! We’re asking our allies and supporters to donate bottle water, juice boxes, meat, cheese, bread for sandwiches, chips, crackers, zip lock bags, and hygiene items (like hotel soaps, trial size lotions, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.). We are also taking monetary donations to purchase items, as well. Our goal is to go at least twice a month to feed the hungry and their children in these summer months, but we will do as long as supplies last. We would like to have some cards with encouraging words as to uplift our brother and sisters on the streets of Memphis.
We would also like to announce that The Dorothy Day House will be opening a second shelter for women and children this week! We are so excited, as currently, we’ve only had a few places to refer clients.. The location will be on Peabody where the Church Health Center used to be, and we look forward to getting more information and putting it in the Survivor guide. Kudos!
For more information about how you can help donate or support HOPE or those who do the work to combat homelessness,or would like to put on a HOPE shirt and volunteer, contact Tamara Hendrix, (901)725.4990 or
Feed the Movement!
H.O.P.E. would like to thank Marcos Pizza for providing pizzas for the H.O.P.E meetings on the 1st Wednesday of the month. H.O.P.E is a supportive advocacy group for people with the experiences of homelessness. One of the ways in which we learn about the aforementioned needs and strategize how we can best support one another through this work is through our weekly Wednesday meetings in which we invite people experiencing homelessness to fellowship, share, and brainstorm. It is very important that H.O.P.E. continues to hear from the homeless community about the differing levels of oppression that many of us may face when attempting to navigate through the impending hardships of scarce services available in Memphis. For many groups and organizations offering free food at meetings is a plus for their attendees, but for H.O.P.E. it is a necessity, due to the fact that most often the meal offered at H.O.P.E. meetings may be the only meal they will have that day.
As H.O.P.E. grows in numbers our expenses grow as well. How can you help? You can help by donating prepared foods on Wednesdays to our meeting that afternoon. Don’t have time to cook or buy prepared foods and bring them to our meeting space? We also accept monetary donations towards this cause. Neither of those options seem feasible for you presently? We are also looking for restaurants willing to donate food to our meetings. As always, all forms of donations are completely tax deductible.
If you would like to discuss how you can offer support to HOPE please call Tamara @ 901-254-5964 or email
StreetWise Ink: Got Supplies?
Meeting in TWO Weeks! MATA Board Update!
Grassroots Organizer Training for Power (GOT Power), Mid-South Peace and Justice Center’s training program, is committed to building our community’s capacity through building skills in grassroots organizing, providing support to people doing community work and offering oppression awareness and liberation education.
Our method of education is Popular and Direct Education. Direct education means education that directly confronts and challenges the current system of injustice, which includes traditional education. Rather than traditional education, which gives all the expertise to textbooks and teachers, Direct Education invites the expertise of the people themselves. Direct Education is about liberation and empowerment — going to the direct source of wisdom: the community itself!
Please contact us to get more information and schedule a training in your group or community. Fees are negotiable, scholarships are available and donations for scholarships are greatly appreciated.
Trainings can be designed specifically for established groups, organizations, campaigns, coalitions, etc. Comprehensive weekend workshops on specific organizing skill sets, issue or community-specific formats are available.
Trainings in Spanish are also available. All trainings are offered in English or Spanish as requested. We work and collaborate with bilingual trainers and facilitators.
G.O.T Poder – Entrenamientos en Español
For more information visit G.O.T.Power or write to
ť Please Let Us Know What You Think ť
The Training Department of the Mid-South Peace & Justice Center (G.O.T. Power) would like to hear from the movement community. We want to know what you think about us and how we could better support your work or group! Please take a couple minutes to complete this short survey. This survey is for everyone, whether you have attended a workshop or not! Feel free to list your name or remain anonymous.
Register Today! Marshal Skills Training June 21st!
Demonstrations play a crucial role in our movements. Rallies and marches display the power and discipline of a campaign which can increase the pressure for change. Organizers often call on volunteer marshals to help manage large groups of people, avoid internal disruption, and prevent police violence. In this workshop participants with develop their skills for non-violent intervention and de-escalation. Join us as we prepare for the next action!
Date: Thursday, June 21st
Time: 6p.m. – 8:30p.m. Please, be on time.
Location: 1350 Concourse Ave, Suite 451, Memphis, TN 38104 – A Step Ahead Foundation
*Limited to the first 14 people who register.
Cost: $20-$45 Sliding scale.
Registration online or by phone is required to attend.
Meeting in TWO Weeks! MATA Board Update! Memphis Labor’s Going to Nashville!
Greetings, transit warriors! As May comes to a close, it’s almost time for our next meeting. Join Memphis Bus Riders Union on June 9th, 12-2 PM, at the Gaston Community Center in South Memphis (1046 S. Third)! We’ll be talking about state-wide transit issues, the end of budget season, and how to talk to riders about their transportation needs. And remember—you can get to Gaston on the #17 McLemore and #39 South Third. See you there!
We also want to update members about MATA’s most recent Board meeting. On May 24th, MATA administration discussed Memphis 3.0, new contracts for fuel, and steps they’re taking to address issues with the MATAPlus reservation system. These steps will include hiring more operators, a MATAPlus-focused customer survey, and potential changes in policy. MBRU and the Memphis Center for Independent Living will be keeping an eye on this process, because riders have consistently asked for a better paratransit system. We also want to give a special shoutout to Vice Chairman Andre Gibson, who announced that he will not be serving another term on the MATA Board. Thank you for your service and your voice in the fight for better transit!
Finally, our friends in Memphis labor are taking a day trip to Nashville next month! The Central Labor Council of Memphis & West TN, Fight for $15, and other groups will be going to the state capital on June 11th, to demand union rights and an end to poverty. Find out more here!
MBRU holds meetings on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 12-2 PM; our next meeting is June 9th at Gaston Community Center. If you have any questions, or you’re interested in joining our work, contact organizer Justin Davis at And follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see more updates
Summer in Memphis is Here: Bring on the Outreach Days!
It’s almost summer in Memphis and that means that the temperatures are rising and there will be a lot of thirsty folks experiencing homelessness who will be vulnerable to the elements. H.O.P.E is coming to the rescue by sending out our Outreach team, bringing cold bottled water and snacks to our people, as well as hygiene kits. We want our people to know that H.O.P.E. is aware of the disgraceful lack of resources in Memphis, and we’re trying to help fill the gap. We also know that summer is difficult time for the children of these families as they may not have enough to eat. That is why we would like to make a snack bag for the school age children as well as information about free things to do with kids this summer.
We want to kick off this campaign by June and are calling it “HOPE: Summer Survival.” H.O.P.E will be collecting supplies all month long and continuing until August. This is where you come in! We’re asking our allies and supporters to donate bottle water, juice boxes, meat, cheese, bread for sandwiches, chips, crackers, zip lock bags, and hygiene items(like hotel soaps, trial size lotions, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.) we are also taking monetary donations to purchase items, as well. Our goal is to go at least twice a month to feed the hungry and their children in these summer months, but we will do as long as supplies last. We would like to have some cards with encouraging words as to uplift our brother and sisters on the streets of Memphis.
We would also like to announce that The Dorothy Day House will be opening a second shelter for women and children this week! We are so excited, as currently, we’ve only had a few places to refer clients.. The location will be on Peabody where the Church Health Center used to be, and we look forward to getting more information and putting it in the Survivor guide. Kudos!
For more information about how you can help donate or support HOPE or those who do the work to combat homelessness,or would like to put on a HOPE shirt and volunteer, contact Tamara Hendrix, (901)725.4990 or .
Feed the Movement!
One of the ways we learn about the needs of the homeless community and strategize around ways to best support one another, is through our weekly Wednesday meetings in which we invite people experiencing homelessness to fellowship, share, and brainstorm.For many groups and organizations offering free food at meetings is a plus for their attendees, but for H.O.P.E. it is a necessity due to the fact that most often the meal offered at H.O.P.E. meetings, may be the only meal they will have all day.
If you are an individual or a restaurant, you can help by donating a prepared meal, once a month, for our Wednesday afternoon meetings. Don’t have time to cook or buy prepared foods and bring them to our meeting space? We also accept monetary donations towards this cause. We’d like to give a special shoutout to Marco’s Pizza on Belvedere & Madison Ave for providing our meal, one week out of every month! As always, all forms of donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
If you have questions or would like to support to HOPE by making a donation, please call Tamara @ 901-254-5964 or email
In Solidarity,
The Mid-South Peace and Justice Center
StreetWise Ink: Getting Down to Business!
StreetWise INK is Memphis’ only T-Shirt Screen Printing Workers-Cooperative that is organized and operated exclusively by individuals with experiences of homelessness. We provide high-quality, custom, hand printed t-shirts for a variety of needs. Individuals who have experience or training in screen-printing are able to subsidize their income by working with StreetWise INK as well as hopefully gain skills of the industry, and possibly become potential member-owners after incorporation.
New Training Committee: StreetWise INK is currently forming a committee to assist in the demystification/simplification of vast amounts of much needed business ownership information. If you enjoy untangling legalese, making flow charts, or condensing information into bite sized chunks, we’d love to have you aboard. Please email
Support StreetWise INK! We’re extremely grateful to everyone who has been interested in joining our Advisory Board and will be holding elections for that soon. If you have certain skills you think might be helpful to StreetWise, we truly appreciate whatever way you can contribute. We’re currently seeking people with screen printing skills they’d like to teach and individuals who are experienced in business ownership and management to volunteer for whatever amount of time you have to offer to help us expand our skills and base.
We’re also on the lookout for free bookkeeping software and computers or laptops with Photoshop and/or Illustrator abilities, if anyone happens to have an old one they aren’t using anymore.
We’re grateful for your support. Thank you!
****For Custom Order Inquiries, please fill out our Price Quote Form****
Follow us on Twitter & Facebook and send us an email at if you have any questions.
StreetWise INK is a proud Community Coop Partner with Democracy at Work!
JJP Partners Committed to Keeping Kids Safe & Active Over Summer!
Oftentimes when kids break laws and get into trouble, it is because they are bored and don’t have anything to better occupy their time. This is especially prevalent over the summer where kids can find themselves without very much structure for several months in a row. Heal the Hood Foundation, a proud partner of the Juvenile Justice Project, recognizes this problem as well as the issue of affordability. For only $75 for the entire summer your kid can attend their camp which focuses on developing musical, acting, and artistic/writing talents in our teens. You can read more about this summer camp, Heal the Hood Foundation, and other summer opportunities in this article.
The JJP is working with Juvenile Court to build networks of churches and organizations to address our high number of youth offenders and the lack of opportunities for court ordered community service, specifically in the areas of Hickory Hill & Bartlett. We believe that youth are the solution, not the problem so we work with these teens to help them find their place in their communities through transformative service opportunities. Studies continue to show that punitive measures often lead to a continued life of crime as opposed to seeking more rehabilitative opportunities, MSPJC firmly adheres to the idea of working with those most affected by the issues. Help us build a better Memphis and partner with our youth.
For more information or to become a partner with the Juvenile Justice Project contact Faith Pollan at
If you’re interested in helping to fun work like this and more visit our donation page. Every dollar is crucial to the movement.
Shelby County, Fund Our Buses! Memphis 3.0 Needs You! Juneteenth with UCW!
Greetings, transit warriors! We want to start off this week by highlighting an important issue: MATA needs more funding on all levels of government. Recently, MATA leadership has been in talks with the Shelby County Commission, seeking $3-6 million for much-needed improvements. Some commissioners have been hesitant to talk about funding MATA, but many of our biggest hurdles come down to funding. If we don’t give our bus system the resources they need, riders will keep getting left behind. Click here to find out more from Channel 5.
Also, we want to remind all riders to take the survey on Memphis 3.0’s new map! The draft map proposes restructuring the MATA system to make routes run more frequently. It’s also a part of Memphis 3.0’s larger long-term plan to develop our city. As people who use the MATA system every day, MBRU wants to be sure that the feedback and concerns of bus riders are included in this process. You can view the map and take the survey here!
Finally, we wanted to let our members know about this upcoming event: on June 23rd, our friends with United Campus Workers are hosting their annual Juneteenth celebration! It’ll be at the IBEW Union Hall (1870 Madison) from 2-5 PM, with special guest speaker Dr. Charles McKinney. MBRU loves coming out to support our union allies every summer, as we celebrate “the defeat of slavery–the greatest human and economic rights victory in this country’s history.” Find out more and RSVP here!
MBRU holds meetings on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 12-2 PM; our next meeting is June 9th at Gaston Community Center. If you have any questions, or you’re interested in joining our work, contact organizer Justin Davis at And follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see more updates!