We REALLY need your help.
From Pendleton to Serenity Towers, to Goodwill Villages, to Madison Towers, and in many other apartment complexes across Memphis, the state of our HUD subsidized apartment complexes is an outrage and a shame to our community.
We need your help today to push for part of a broader solution.
Please call Mayor Strickland’s office at (901)636-6000 and tell his office that we….
1. Need more Code Officers for Memphis. Currently the 20th largest city in America has only 30-35 total number of officers. We need at least 15-20 more, to work on weekends or add a night shift to meet the need and we need them this year.
2. As a City Councilman Mayor Strickland passed a RESERVE CODE OFFICER ordinance, which would allow city residents to be trained and deputized as Code Officers. This program, despite being created by the Mayor is not currently active. We are asking that the training be restarted so that we can recruit tenants in our worst complexes to work with code to quickly and easily identify problems on the premises. We stand ready to work with the City on this matter.
3. Call Congressman Cohen’s office at (901)544-4131 and please tell him that the conditions at PENDLETON PLACE APARTMENTS at 1780 Pendleton St, Memphis, TN 38114 are beyond negligence and please ask him to call on HUD for an 100% inspection of the property.
4. Call Senator Lamar Alexander office at Please call Congressman Cohen’s office at (901)544-4224 and please tell him that the conditions at PENDLETON PLACE APARTMENTS at 1780 Pendleton St, Memphis, TN 38114 are beyond negligence and please ask him to call on HUD for an 100% inspection of the property.
Every single call will make a difference.
For more information about how you can help donate or support HOPE or those who do the work to combat homelessness, or would like to put on a HOPE shirt and volunteer, contact Tamara Hendrix, (901)725.4990 or tamara@midsouthpeace.org.