Serenity Towers Apartments at Highland is a HUD subsidized senior living facility for individuals 55 and up, owned by Global Ministries Foundation and now managed by Millennia Housing Management. For the past several years, MSPJC staff has worked to assist residents who have dealt with everything from bed bug infestations to illegal evictions and intimidation from management.
On December 21st, 2018 MSPJC received a call from a Serenity Towers resident, who had received a FED (Forcible Entry and Detainer) summons to appear in court for eviction from her unit at Serenity Towers, where she has lived for over a decade. She was never given an eviction notice before she was served (as required by TN state law), nor has she received an itemized statement of her alleged debt. She was verbally told by staff that her debt was from unpaid rent last February.
Mid-South Peace & Justice Center then reached out to other residents and began receiving a high volume of calls and visits to our office from residents who found themselves in similar situations. This has been an extremely traumatic experience for these residents, all of whom are advanced in age and in some cases, have a disability and/or mobility issues. One tenant was afraid she would be arrested after receiving an FED summons to appear in court. As it turned out, she had receipts for every month management claimed she hadn’t paid.
On January 3rd, we worked with our board member and local attorney, Lani Lester at Burch, Porter & Johnson, PLLC to accompany tenants to their court date and get as many we could a continuance until January 17th, in order to buy residents enough time to try and find old receipts that prove these alleged debts are baseless. From the original reports of 40-50 people being served summons, by the January 3rd court date, the docket was down to 27 individual, as as many had already produced their documentation to management to show that the alleged debts were not valid. Many others were still on the docket, but had their cases dismissed.
On the evening of January 8th, a reported 50+ 10-day eviction notices were slid under residents’ doors by management, instructing them to vacate their units by January 17th. This included many residents, who already had their cases dismissed, because they were able to show receipts proving they had no outstanding debt at all. Others received these notices despite the fact that they aren’t even scheduled to go to court until the 17th, and have no judgement against them as of yet. These are not legal notices of eviction, but are meant to frighten and intimidate residents, and it’s been effective.
Here is just a sampling of recent news coverage around the evictions:
WREG-Serenity Residents Threatened By Evictions, Advocate Calls Them Unfair
WMCTV-Serenity Highland Tenants Take Their Rent Complaints To Court
The Mid-South Peace & Justice Center has deep concerns over what we see as chaotic, sloppy bookkeeping (at best) and a flurry of eviction actions, when in many cases these debts turn out to be illegitimate. We also have concerns about those residents who still have not received itemized statements of their debt, which effectively prevents them from being able to make an effective defense. We find it particularly troubling how old some of these debts are, with many dating as far back as last winter. In some cases, residents have even signed new leases since the time of their alleged unpaid rent.
THDA and HUD’s full oversight and monitoring are urgently needed as many of these remaining residents are at serious risk to eviction—and for many going to court or securing legal assistance is not only a hardship, but next to impossible. MSPJC has reached out to and been in touch with HUD, THDA, the FBI, Memphis Area Legal Services, Congressman Steve Cohen’s Office, and a number of other agencies in an effort to support these tenants. This week, MSPJC assisted Serenity Towers residents in forming the Serenity Towers Tenants Rights Committee, a tenant association that will assist residents in understanding their rights and seeking legal representation to fight these unjust evictions. We return to court with residents facing eviction on Thursday, January 17th, and may eventually need funds to cover the cost of legal expenses. Like so much of our work at MSPJC, our tenant organizing efforts do not receive dedicated grant funding, and relies largely on public support. You can support the work of our Renter’ Rights Project today by signing up to become a sustaining member of MSPJC, or make a one-time donation of any amount.
Mid-South Peace & Justice Center then reached out to other residents and began receiving a high volume of calls and visits to our office from residents who found themselves in similar situations. This has been an extremely traumatic experience for these residents, all of whom are advanced in age and in some cases, have a disability and/or mobility issues. One tenant was afraid she would be arrested after receiving an FED summons to appear in court. As it turned out, she had receipts for every month management claimed she hadn’t paid.
This week, MSPJC has assisted Serenity Towers residents in forming the Serenity Towers Renters Rights Committee, a tenant association that will assist residents in understanding their rights and seeking legal representation against these unjust evictions.
Thank you for standing with us
Brad Watkins